
Songs from the woods
— 20.07.12

Let me bring you songs from the wood To make you feel much better than you could know Dust you down from tip to toe Show you how the garden grows Hold you steady as you go


— A village feast at Bygdøy

A meeting of man, nature and food. We invited some of Oslo’s best chefs to use local ingredients in their cooking - all from the beautiful, lush and green countryside of Bygdøy, which lies within Oslo's borders and close to the inner city.


Food Studio
— Get Away

We believe that learning comes easy with first hand experience. We therefore invite you to pack your backpack and join us for a seasonal workshop and dinner where you are a part of harvesting, foraging and making dinner. We collaborate closely with knowledgeable people ranging from foragers to farmers to challenge the daily way we think about and work with food, and to open up for new ideas and solutions for future food.


Streat Helsinki
— Nordic Street Food

The third weekend of March this year, the city invited street food vendors, organizers, chefs and journalists to Streat Helsinki, a two-day street food conference and festival aiming to raise a vibrant and interesting street food culture in Scandinavia. We were there to listen, get inspired and feast on all sorts of street food.


In the Shadow
— Of Munch

A Saturday afternoon of early fall, a group of food lovers, art lovers and lovers of history, having been enticed by the promises of Food Studio’s ninth event, met at Aker Brygge to begin their voyage towards an evening of eating in the shadow of Munch.


Restaurant Day
— Hits Norway

OSLO. Dark grey sky, it could almost pass as night. It’s Saturday. Restaurant Day. On the lawn between the Academy of Art and the freezing river Akerselva lays a tiny hut. It wasn't here yesterday.


Sitio Canaa
— Coffee Ice Cream

Oslo`s king of coffee, Tim Wendelboe, has developed a new, fabulous coffee ice cream. With both ground espresso beans and fluid espresso, the taste is complex and rich, and not too sweet. We served it in a traditional, Norwegian “krumkake” shaped as cones.


— Kveldsmat

Chef Stina Vaa Rom with her helpful assistant Lise, have shared the recipes for the wonderful new Nordic cuisine dinner they served for the event on the 8th of February. Stina represents the kitchen of Den Andre Cafeen («the other cafe») which serves a wonderful seasonal organic menu from Tuesdays to Saturdays.
Photos: Jim Hensley


Get Away Summer
— Into the Woods

After a long, hot summer, the woods are changing and preparing for autumn. The change can be felt in the air, which is now filled with the smells of berries, herbs and fungus. It is the time just before harvest, and the time when the cattle come back from summer dairy. It is the warmest month of the year, when the fish seek to the deepest part of the lakes to cool off. The dense forest is moist, hot and mystically dark – intensively yielding its last produce before the inset of autumn.


Get Away
— Edible Paris

This summer, Food Studio crossed the sea to bring a Nordic Get Away experience to the french capital. We spent an evening biking through Paris, visiting Holybelly and Parc de Belleville for a herbology workshop, before sitting down and enjoy a picknick with fresh vegetables from the market.


Fresh pasta with baked nettles

Our new series of seasonal getaways all started with a magnificent spring day by the fjords of Oslo. We explored the natural delicacies the sea had to offer - oysters, cockles, mussels and all sorts of wild growths that we could pick in the surrounding hills and forests, turning it into a meal together at the end of the eve.


Get Away Winter
— Moonlight Foraging

Winter is a difficult season for finding food. Still, it gives you a few advantages – things are easier to preserve, for instance. And if you work hard enough, you might just find enough for a hearty meal deep within the snowy woods.


Close Ties
— Chefs & Farmers

Restaurants in Oslo want more organic and locally produced food. Farmers in Eastern Norway need help with logistics and more insight as to what restaurants want. Nofima’s network called Chefs & Farmers, "Kokken og Bonden", is aiming to enhance the ties between innovative farmers and the best chefs in the city.


Travel Journal
— Tasmania

I remember imagining Tasmania, when I was a little girl, as a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. Far, very far away from my country. I thought only Tasmanian devils would inhabit this land, swirling and roaring around just like in the cartoon.


From Kyoto
— to the Oslo Fjord

For the Japanese chef Masayo Funakoshi it is vital to have close bonds to food producers and foragers. She is also an artist at heart, which shows in her cooking. We went fishing for food in the picturesque Oslo Fjord.


An autumnal celebration
— Food Photo festival

Time flies when you are having fun - and the last six months have been full of exciting projects and travels for us in Food Studio. One of them we still haven’t shared with you. Until now.


From Alsace to Nara
— My Hungry Curiosity

Intrigued by food habits, I've always looked for links between people around the world and I admire how food connects things. I've been trying to learn as many languages as possible to be able to communicate with everyone but I found the most international language that exists is food.


— Table Reset

Since 1881 Iittala’s timeless design has gone from being familiar in Finland and Scandinavia, to becoming a well known table- and cookware brand all over the world. This particular event was meant to inspire people to rethink how we gather around tables and food. How do we set aside time to eat with friends and family? How do we not just decorate our tables for weekends and special events, but for weekdays too? Iittala wanted to focus on just this and to inspire people to make room to meet around food in their busy lives.



Hauste is a magazine for everyone embracing Sustainability, Community and Food Empathy. Hauste is at the forefront of the contemporary generation of solutions-oriented thinkers and doers. With the goal of being a bridge between the old and the new, the tradition keepers and the innovators, the underground and the public domain we want to gather honest stories about real people who are dedicated to serve and create our sustainable future.


How do you say flatbread?
— Losæter, Oslo

Grinding grains to make bread is not exactly our latest asset: groundstones have been found in the Australian region of New South Wales some 30,000 years ago, which makes aboriginal people the first to realize that mixing and baking ground cereals and water results in something not only edible, but also pretty tasty! Flatbreads are human's best friends. They were a way to preserve any kind of grain or cereal gathered in the wild or cultivated, and are now proud ambassadors to their cultures of origin. Lefse, lavosh, tortilla, arepa, injeera, chapati, pita, naan, roti, knekkebrød, pane carasau... so many different names, so few ingredients going into this staple food.


Get Away Autumn
— Hegli Gård

This Autumn we escaped the city to visit Sidsel at Hegli Farm. We spent the afternoon harvesting vegetables, pickling green tomatoes, baking bread and making dinner, while talking about the future of the life at the farm.


Get Away Winter
— Sowing Community

The 6th of February was the Sami National Day and we wanted to gather around the fire to celebrate. We wanted to continue our ongoing conversation about the new forms of community, making a camp site together at Hegli Sjølbergingsbruk (self-sufficiency farm).


Get Away
— Bøgedal

Many dinners have been paired with great beer and engaging conversations since two women in charge, Gitte Holmboe and Cecilie Dawes, met over the love for Norwegian mountains before the very first Food Studio event back in 2011. Around tables in Norway, Denmark and Japan - in woods and by lakes - it has all become sceneries to support inspiration, the birth of ideas and the co-operation to realize them. This summer, the table was set in the garden of Bøgedal in Vejle, Denmark.


— Sæteren Gård

It’s a paradox - the more time we spend in nature, the more we destroy it. Both through how we use it, what we wear and how we get there. Æra Strategic innovation invited Food Studio to meet, think and (re)act for a more sustainable future in the field of outdoor activites.


Action City
— by Growlab

As a part of Action City our founder Cecilie Dawes were invited to talk about "Food as a meeting place" at the library in Grunerløkka with Andreas Capjon the cityfarmer of Oslo. Action City is an urban activist school and a toolkit which aims to transform ideas, struggles and dreams for the city into action. As a part of the Oslo Architecture Triennale,  ́Degrowth ́ make out the thematic frame. Action City is conducted as an informal and open «school», consisting of a and temporary physical school building, a series of workshops and mini lectures. The curriculum is based on the challenges and opportunities in the city and has an aim to teach tools that increase the citizen participation in public space and city development. 


Why the World
— Needs Antropologists

This October we were invited to create an experience for the speakers and partners for the conference WWNA / Why the World Needs Antropologists in Oslo with the theme: Sustaining Cities. The aim was to bring together hands and minds that build our cities with a view to inspire and incite action, foster fruitful collaborations and exchange ideas and practices towards participating actively in the cities we live, build and work in.


Get Away — Trøndelag 6.juni

Med et bugnende matfat av ville og dyrka råvarer rundt oss skal vi denne dagen høste, tilberede og nyte et måltid sammen. Vi skal bruke alle sansene - lytte, lukte, kjenne og smake.  Du vil møte andre med interesse for mat og naturnær livsstil, og komme hjem med senket puls, ny kunnskap og full av inspirasjon! Det vil være mulig å overnatte i eget telt eller hengekøye, eller et glamping-telt som står på Venåsen.


Get Away - In Nature

Once an old homestead, this living treasure is nestled deep in the Norwegian woods. Our super friendly and knowledgeable hosts will guide you through a whole range of hands-on experiences from cooking on fire in the outdoors and baking bread in our traditional oven, canoeing in the lake and sharing stories around the fire. Immerse yourself in nature and find focus by learning practical ways that we can give something back to the land. All this is set by the tranquil waters of Tokke Lake just 3 hours south of Oslo via a rejuvenating train journey through the countryside. Make your booking today and ensure your place on this very special summer event!


Being Well
— In Nature

This year started out quite different than we had first imagined. We had just piloted a new winter wilderness experience, made a beautiful catalogue on what we wanted to offer and the day after it was ready to be published, we got news of the national lockdown. For us, this was a big lesson on letting go, on slowing down and listening.