
Forgotten Skills
— of Carpentry

For us this is a process to both honor the tradition and the wisdom of the old mindset and handcraft, but at the same time find ways that fits the society we live in today, our tools of innovation and our way of living.


— Heim festival

Foraging doesn't only provide us with free nutrients - it can also completely revolutionize our relation to food, consumption and nature. Understanding and appreciating these subjects are becoming increasingly important for those of us living in cities. Food Studio was present at the very first edition of HEIM festival to talk about edible weeds and food philosophy.


The Domestication of
— A Wild Grain

“Are you ready?” asks the artist, with a sculpture shaped like an animal head over her shoulders. “Yes. Let´s go, then”, replies the baker, carrying a backpack constructed from wood filled with seeds, sourdough bread and some naan. They are followed by four other “carriers of bread”, the artist group, Futurefarmers, and the baker, Emmanuel Rang. They start the walk from Losæter – an urban agricultural site in the middle of Oslo–to the peri-urban farm of Johan Swärd.


Musical Tastes
— Maaelstrøm

Picture the scene: you lift your spoon ready to dive into the soft folds of an exquisitely light soufflé. A song comes on over the radio, but which one? What combination of frequencies, rhythms and musical intervals could best enhance, or even transform, the experience of eating this airy treat? Perhaps a thundering baritone bass line would be too cumbersome, but what of a delicate and dreamy aria? Does sound in fact have a taste?


Get Away Melbourne
— Visit to Merri Creek

I live on the Merri Creek, in the inner northern suburbs of the city of Melbourne. Most days I cross the creek, or at least glimpse its waters from afar. I look for changes in the water level, in the clarity, in the speed of the flow.


Living foods
— for a living, healthy body

At Food Studio, we believe that learning goes hand in hand with hands-on experience. That is why we are very happy to be able to facilitate a wonderful series of cooking classes with self taught fermenter and bone broth enthusiast Bård Watn!


— Invited by Bøgedal

2nd of February we gather a group of collaborators, friends and new acquaintances in Kødbyen, Copenhagen, for a night of exploring, conversation and dining. Gitte Holmboe of Bøgedal Bryghus and chef Thomas Randsøe, along with Anne Lunell and Charles Nystrand from Koppi, made sure we ate and drank well. The guest of honor this night was Stéphane Meyer and Lise Kvan, from the Jura region of France and Paris respectively.


— on the Art of Care

Fremja is a new social therapeutic initiative in Norway for youths and grown-ups that for different reasons need adapted work or living situations. Frode Wendelboe is one of the founders and calls himself an artist of care. We had a talk about the need to merge ecological and social work and why the solutions are interdependent.


Favorite stop
— Bakeriet i Lom

Food studio loves road trips. Most of all we love the stops along the way. The bakery “Bakeriet i Lom” is one of those places. It's a real gem. The bakery is located in the small mountain village Lom, a few hours’ drive from Oslo, not far from the national park Jotunheimen. The man behind it, Morten Schakenda, has been a great inspiration for Food Studio.


— Nordic Ocean Watch

Almost everyone that travels to Hoddevika, comes for the waves. Surrounded by mountains, the small narrow sheltered bay of Hoddevika is shielded from the worst winds, and in many ways also shielded from the everyday noise of the rest of the world. Hoddevika may have only 30 local residents and phone signals that come and go, but the area is highly connected to the rest of the world through the sea.


Mutton - Ewe got to try it!

Sheep are all right ("sauer er ålreite dyr"), our then Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland said some years back. And they are. Sheep have a long tradition in Norway. They supply us with wool for our cold winters. They take care of our landscape. They can give us milk, and every year the adult females, the ewes, provide new lambs that we feast on when autumn arrives.


How to make
— Sourdough starter

Follow this recipe given by some of Scandinavia`s best bakers to cultivate your own sourdough culture, the best basis for delicious and healthy bread.


Barleyotto with steamed mangold

As a member of the Koperativet you get a bag of the best seasonal and locally produced vegetables from biodynamic or organic farmers. Food from farmers who run their farms with great dedication, knowledge and love. We have used these bags as the starting point for our courses and when you have the ingredients in your kitchen. Your job is to use, prepare and enjoy this food so that all the love and nourishment contained in the raw materials becomes available to you.


— Sustainable Cooking

As a member of the Koperativet you get a bag of the best seasonal and locally produced vegetables from biodynamic or organic farmers. Food from farmers who run their farms with great dedication, knowledge and love. We have used these bags as the starting point for our courses and when you have the ingredients in your kitchen. Your job is to use, prepare and enjoy this food so that all the love and nourishment contained in the raw materials becomes available to you.


Sustainable cooking
— Bergsmyrenegård

Photographer and farmer Finn Dale Iversen and Evelyn Romer Iversen are the two friendly faces behind the entire operation at the biodynamic farm at Bergsmyrene. We brought our guest to their farm along with Elizabeth Brockfield and Growlab for an inspirational evening on sustainable cooking and urban farming.


Food Studio
— Get Away

We believe that learning comes easy with first hand experience. We therefore invite you to pack your backpack and join us for a seasonal workshop and dinner where you are a part of harvesting, foraging and making dinner. We collaborate closely with knowledgeable people ranging from foragers to farmers to challenge the daily way we think about and work with food, and to open up for new ideas and solutions for future food.


Food Studio
— x Food Mrkt x Food Evolution

Foodmrkt, Emergence Projects, Food Studio and Food Evolution joined forces with Oslo Business Region to put scalable business models, sustainability and digital technology on the agenda. We asked Nordic front runners to share best practice and invited thinkers, doers and makers with an interest in being a part of the change to join us for a day of talks, discussions and actions.


Nordic Satya Retreat
— Voss, Norway

The Norwegian mountains realms painted the backdrop for an exploration into the world’s oldest, unbroken traditions of self-healing and spiritual awakening.


— At Hegli

We are a collective of people who are establishing a CSA (community shared agriculture) at Hegli farm in Nannestad. We are aiming to be as self sustained as possible and to share the knowledge of conserving and culturing from field to table on our way. We invite you to be a part of this by becoming a share holder, by contributing to the work and seminars in the garden, participate at the community dinners or just by sharing the word.


Bøgedal Bryghus
— Godtøl & Traditions

Bøgedal Bryghus, a small craft brewery located in Jylland in Denmark, delivers beer for a number of acclaimed restaurants, including Noma and Aamanns in Copenhagen, as well as Maaemo in Oslo. Their beers are especially celebrated for the full-bodied malt flavor, the result of an old traditional brewing method making the so-called “Godtøl”, directly translated good beer. And good beer it certainly is.


January Brunch
— Factory Tøyen

This January brunch is a co-creation between Elizabeth Gundersen, Cecilie Dawes, and Marte Garman. We all work with food, health, education, and storytelling, and coming together in this potent time of year to create together is a beautiful and expanding process for us all. Since the two of us are transitioning back to work after having a child, and Marte had this experience early in her life, we have learned a lot from each other. This balance of being an entrepreneur and a mother is not easy – society is not set up for that – but what we have learned is how we can change the way we work and how to support each other.


Get Away Summer
— Sandspollen

This summer, Food Studio has teamed up with two organisations who raise awareness about caring for our environment through outdoor activities and experiences: Passion for Ocean and Incredible Globe. Free-diving was on the menu, as well as a solid session of beach cleaning before sitting around the table for a dinner of fresh fish and local vegetables.


Film Festival
— Oslo Pix

Oslo Pix is an international film festival which was organized for the first time in 2017. The festival showcased features, documentaries and shorts films from North America and Europe, with a special focus on Nordic Cinema. Its main ambition is to create a new Scandinavian hotspot, for emerging directors and well-established masters of cinema. This year they celebrated the World Environment Day with a full day program from early morning with outdoor disco with eco-glitter to workshop activities and evening panel debates.


Blue cheese & mascarpone

In the spring of 2015, Food Studio travelled to Melbourne to explore Merri Creek and its long and compelling food growing history. Have a look at the menu of the evening and to recipes by local food hero Matt Wilkinson!


In Nature
— Get Away

Pack your bags for our new Get Away adventure! We're inviting you to be among the first to experience our new camp site in the lake Tokke in Drangedal Telemark.


The Architecture
— of Degrowth

For the opening of the Architecture Triennale of Oslo this autumn we were invited to do a "No waste table" in the main library of Oslo. Around the world campaigners, cities, and governments are declaring a state of emergency in response to accelerating global warming. Meanwhile systemic inequality continues to entrench deep divides between those who have far too little, and those who have far too much. In this unprecedented moment, an urgent question is cast into relief: how should architecture respond to a time of climate emergency and social division?


— Wednesday Dinners

Flatbread Society is a project initiated and rooted in Oslo by the international artist collective Futurefarmers as a public art programme for Bjørvika. The project is commissioned and produced by Bjørvika Utvikling in collaboration with the artists. Every Wednesday everyone is invited to join the city farmer, Andreas, to harvest vegetables, make a meal and enjoy a dinner together.


— Full Moon Gathering

Flatbread Society is a project initiated and rooted in Oslo by the international artist collective Futurefarmers as a public art programme for Bjørvika. The project is commissioned and produced by Bjørvika Utvikling in collaboration with the artists. For 2017 the groups who regularly activate Losæter have been invited to host the Flatbread Society Full Moon Gatherings.


Breakfast, Forsmak
— Vulkan Mathall

Food Studio got up at 5 a.m. to spread and pack 2000 sandwiches, serving up a tasty, organic and free breakfast to Oslos' early birds, together with Trøbbelskyter and Mathallen Vulkan! Food Studios goal was to challenge the government's requirement of 15% of all food turnover in 2020 being organic. Food Studio went for 50%.
Photos: Christoffer Johannesen


— på Bygdøy

On a sunny autumn day we take the bus to Frognerkilen and walk up to Bygdø Kongsgård, up the gravel road, to find ourselves surrounded by fields and forests just a few stops away from the city. All around us are the intense colours of autumn, and the sun is casting a warm, yellow hue. It is the last day of ØKOUKA, and for the third time we celebrate the week with a feast at Bygdø Kongsgård.


— Table Reset

Since 1881 Iittala’s timeless design has gone from being familiar in Finland and Scandinavia, to becoming a well known table- and cookware brand all over the world. This particular event was meant to inspire people to rethink how we gather around tables and food. How do we set aside time to eat with friends and family? How do we not just decorate our tables for weekends and special events, but for weekdays too? Iittala wanted to focus on just this and to inspire people to make room to meet around food in their busy lives.


From Seed to Serving
— The last supper

Visitors to the urban agricultural collective Losæter in Oslo are guaranteed to have a special experience. You´ll meet farmers with deep roots to the land working with soilless city dwellers, artists connecting with chefs and children experience food made from freshly picked vegetables. Losæter is where the diversity of ecology and culture come together in the heart of old Oslo. 


Action City
— by Growlab

As a part of Action City our founder Cecilie Dawes were invited to talk about "Food as a meeting place" at the library in Grunerløkka with Andreas Capjon the cityfarmer of Oslo. Action City is an urban activist school and a toolkit which aims to transform ideas, struggles and dreams for the city into action. As a part of the Oslo Architecture Triennale,  ́Degrowth ́ make out the thematic frame. Action City is conducted as an informal and open «school», consisting of a and temporary physical school building, a series of workshops and mini lectures. The curriculum is based on the challenges and opportunities in the city and has an aim to teach tools that increase the citizen participation in public space and city development. 


—The deer and the kale

The past year Maaemo has been given a lot of attention, also here in Norway, but maybe most of all from abroad. With their non-compromising approach to organic and local ingredients, the art of cooking, design and the whole food experience, they have mesmerized many, driven bloggers bananas and made food critics wish their dice had more than six eyes. But if you ask them, they are just getting started.


The biodynamic farm
— Forest and fjord

On the outskirts of Hvitsten, right above Drøbak fjord, Ramme Gaard lies as a gem; a cultural and agricultural paradise, enthralling all its visitors either with its art, plays and famous baroque garden, or its farm grounds, bursting with joyful animals and vibrant vegetables.


— New Nordic Cuisine

A wednesday in February. Forty fantastic food enthusiasts gathered in a photo studio at Lilleborg. By the entrance wooly warm socks and Hokkaido soup awaits this evenings guests. Chairs lined up in front of the stage, chit chats by the soup, the chefs busy; preparing, tasting, adding, stirring. Inspiring lectures, listening, learning. Outdoors: Snow. The cold. Indoors: Warmth. Laughter, cooled cider straight from the pile of snow outside.


Bøgedal Bryghus
— Visit the brewery

This March we paid a visit to Bøgedal Bryghus in Vejle, Denmark to visit the mastermind brewer couple Gitte Holmboe and Casper Vorting. Their use of traditional brewing methods as well as ancient grain types result in some of the most interesting beers around.


— A Christmas party

The darkness has dawned upon us, there's frost in the air. In an old brick building, now a studio, a group of people are gathered, young and old, together. When we venture into the night later in the evening, no one is a stranger to each other any more. We've come here to take part in a Christmas table, which is true to the Norwegian tradition.


— A dinner in the fields

It was an ordinary Thursday of late September: it had been raining quite heavily, but the weather forecasts were promising. The garden looked fabulous and the greenhouse was in place in the middle of a field, a stone's throw from the king's old residence in Bygdøy.


— Weather Diary

This autumn saw the launch of Marimekko's new Weather Diary collection. The Finnish textile and clothing design house has created a new interior decoration collection inspired by seasonal weather patterns, as well as the palate of colours a Nordic autumn brings. Food Studio was tasked with creating a food concept for the collection's Norwegian launch.


Community Brunch

We want to invite you to a "Community Brunch" on a seasonal basis gathering 4 times a year. Intended as a low-threshold meeting place where you can come alone, with a colleague, customer, or an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. Quote by: Laurie Colwin


Community Brunch

We want to invite you to a "Community Brunch" on a seasonal basis gathering 4 times a year. Intended as a low-threshold meeting place where you can come alone, with a colleague, customer, or an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. Quote by: Laurie Colwin


New Nordic Food
— All About the Kids

Norway's current presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers saw the country play host to the annual New Nordic Food Conference held at Oslo's gleaming newly opened Mathallen on 6-7th November.


Get Away Summer
— Into the Woods

After a long, hot summer, the woods are changing and preparing for autumn. The change can be felt in the air, which is now filled with the smells of berries, herbs and fungus. It is the time just before harvest, and the time when the cattle come back from summer dairy. It is the warmest month of the year, when the fish seek to the deepest part of the lakes to cool off. The dense forest is moist, hot and mystically dark – intensively yielding its last produce before the inset of autumn.


Why the World
— Needs Antropologists

This October we were invited to create an experience for the speakers and partners for the conference WWNA / Why the World Needs Antropologists in Oslo with the theme: Sustaining Cities. The aim was to bring together hands and minds that build our cities with a view to inspire and incite action, foster fruitful collaborations and exchange ideas and practices towards participating actively in the cities we live, build and work in.


Restaurant Day
— Hits Norway

OSLO. Dark grey sky, it could almost pass as night. It’s Saturday. Restaurant Day. On the lawn between the Academy of Art and the freezing river Akerselva lays a tiny hut. It wasn't here yesterday.