Foraging salad
(All recipes serve 10)
Rhubarb Lemonade
- 2.5 litres water
- 200 grams rhubarb
- Juice and zest of two lemons
- 200 grams Strawberries
- 1 deciliter Honey
- Wash and cut the rhubarb and strawberries into smaller pieces and add to half of the water.
- Add the honey and the lemon zest and let it slowly warm up until almost boiling.
- Put aside and let it cool before adding the rest of the water and the lemon juice.
- Strain the liquid and serve chilled.
Chamomile Lemonade
- 2.5 liters water
- 15 grams of dried chamomile flowers
- 2 bags chamomile tea
- 1 deciliter honey
- Juice and zest of two lemons
- Wash and chop the chamomile flowers and add it to half of the water.
- Add the honey, the tea bags and the lemon zest and heat slowly in a pan until almost boiling.
- Set aside and let it cool before adding the rest of the water and the lemon juice.
- Strain the liquid and serve chilled.
Foraging salad
There are a huge variety of greens you can use in this salad. It really depends on the season and what is available locally. A few my favourite foraging greens include: løkurt (garlic mustard), spruce shoots, chickweed, dandelion leaves, Ground elder leaves, nettles, lilac, blackcurrant leaves, elm seeds, Yarrow leaves, Linden.
Foraging salad:
- 50 grams dandelion leaves
- 50 grams ground elder leaves
- 10 grams lilac flowers
- 10 grams yarrow leaves
- 50 grams rocket
- 50 grams Ekblads salad (mixed salad leaves)
- 1 deciliter sunflower seeds
- 1 deciliter sesame seeds
- 750 grams carrot cheese from Den Blinde Ku or another cheese of your choice
- 1 deciliter apple cider vinegar
- 1 chilli
- 20 grams parsley
- 20 grams fresh coriander
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 deciliter olive oil
- 1 tablespoon honey
- Wash whatever you found foraging in ice cold water and dry it as thoroughly as possible, toast the sesame seeds with the sunflower seeds in a pan on medium heat until golden.
- Put parsley, fresh coriander and the chilli (without seeds) in a blender with the garlic and olive oil.
- Blend until you have a smooth purée and then mix in the vinegar and honey.
- Cut the cheese in to smaller pieces and put the vinaigrette and the toasted seeds on the salad just before serving.
Pickled Parsnip and Carrot
- Parsnip
- Carrot
- Vinegar
- Brown sugar
- Water
- Bay leaf
- Cinnamon
- Garlic
- Thyme
- Salt
- Wash and peel the vegetables before slicing into thin slices.
- Put the rest of the ingredients in a pan and bring to a boil, put aside and let cool.
- Put the vegetables in a clean mason jar and fill it up with the liquid until it covers the vegetables.
- Fill a pan with water and bring to a boil, put the closed mason jar in the water and make sure it is below the water surface.
- Let it boil for about fifteen minutes before taking it out of the water.
- Let it sit in the jar for at least one month before eating.
“Breakfast in Bread”
- 10 Eggs
- 500 grams bacon
- 2 litres flour
- 30 grams fresh yeast
- 1 litre water (at room temperature)
- 1 deciliter oil
- 0.5 deciliter honey
- Salt
- Start with mixing the yeast with the water, honey and oil in a large bowl.
- Let it sit for about fifteen minutes before adding the flour and salt, now knead the dough for about half and hour adding flour if needed until you have a nice soft dough.
- Cut the dough in to fist size balls and let sit in fridge overnight.
- The following day, take out the dough balls and let them slowly get to room temperature.
- Make some scrambled eggs and fry the bacon separately, let booth cool of before mixing them.
- Now take a dough ball and flatten until you have a round flat mini pizza
- Place two tablespoons of the egg and bacon filling and carefully close the edges and roll it into a ball again with your hand making sure there are no holes in the dough.
- Put on a tray and let sit for thirty minutes before baking them in the oven at 195 Celsius for 20 minutes.
Scandinavian Meatballs
- 500 grams minced dried elk sausage
- 500 grams minced elk
- 500 grams minced veal
- 25 grams salt
- Mix all ingredients and shape into desired size then grill on the barbeque.
- After grilling the meatballs, roll them in the forest salsa then the “farofa” before serving.
Forest salsa
- 3 dried juniper berries
- 10 grams parsley
- 20 grams celery
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 deciliter olive oil
- 0.5 deciliter vinegar
- 0.5 deciliter lemon juice
- 15 small spruce shoots
Put all the ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth and finish off with some salt to taste.
Scandinavian “Farofa”
Farofa is a toasted cassava flour mix that is widely eaten in South America and is an essential accompaniment to the classic Brazilian churrasco. Here we created our own Scandinavian version of this delicious accompaniment.
- 2 heads of fennel
- 1.5 deciliter sunflower seeds
- 2 deciliter bread crumbs
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 onion
- 2 tablespoons rapeseed oil
- Wash and chop the fennel, onion and the garlic into small pieces.
- Spread it out on an oven tray and add a little oil and a pinch of salt.
- Bake it in the oven at 165 Celsius for 1.5 hours or until golden brown and dry(ish).
- Toast the sunflower seeds in a pan on the stove until golden brown and chop them up finely and mix them with the breadcrumbs.
- Take the chopped fennel and pulse it for 10 seconds in a food processor, spread it out on the tray again and dry it in the oven for another 30 minutes at 165 Celsius.
- Let cool off and then blend with the breadcrumbs.
From the Juice Bar:
Black Bull
- 10 cl of açaí berry juice
- 10 cl of guarana extract
- 10 cl coconut water
- 5 cl of lemon juice
- 1 tsp wheatgrass powder
- 1 tsp amaranth sprouts
Scandinavian Sunrise
- 4 cl sea buckthorn extract
- 4 cl coconut water
- 8 cl raspberry juice
- 1 lingonberry
- 1 dash of nettle extract
- 10 cl carrot juice
- 5 cl celery juice
- 5 cl kale juice
- 5 cl of coconut water
- 5 cl of lemon juice
- 1 tsp hemp protein powder
Recipes: Magnus Morveto
Photos: Nordic Nibbler