Forgotten Skills
— of Carpentry

For us this is a process to both honor the tradition and the wisdom of the old mindset and handcraft, but at the same time find ways that fits the society we live in today, our tools of innovation and our way of living.

The first course out is replacing the old logs on the “eld house” the oldest building dating 1770. The course will be led by Hans Petter Musum.

Course details:
Location: Vefallneset small farm Drangedal Telemark
When: 5 days – Wednesday 08.05 – Sunday 12.05
Accommodation: Rooms in main house
Food: Includes 3 meals a day with traditional food based on local ingredients
Price: 2750,- NOK
Participants: 8
Course in Norwegian

What you will learn
Replacement of bottom syll on log box, jacking, securing and adapting new syll, we use axe and hand tools. Goes through material knowledge and some history of laft. The logs are felled on the property and dried over a year.

About Hans Petter Musum
“I was born and raised in Snåsa (Trøndelag) and took my first log course in the 1990s. In the period 1999 to 2008 I worked for Øverbygg Håndlaft in Snåsa, before working at Byggskultur Røros from 2008 to 2012.

This gave me a taste for more, and this is probably where the interest in building protection and cultural heritage protection started. So in 2012 I moved to Kragerø with my significant other and started up for myself, and in the period 2013 to 2018 I have occasionally worked for Skjerkholt Naturlaft and Sollie Bygg. Today I work as a museum craftsman at Telemark Museum.

I have a certificate of apprenticeship in carpentry and in addition I took the first cohort of the postgraduate study “Introduction to building protection” at Fagskolen Innlandet, winter 2014-2015.

From 2017 onwards, I have also participated as an instructor and participant in a number of courses around Agder as well as in Vestfold and Telemark, in lafting, stepping works, and sticking/laying of hand-cut roof cuttings. Laft is what I’ve been working on the longest, but I enjoy working with most things that have to do with woodworking, restoration and restoration.”

— Hans Petter Musum

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