
Morgendagens bibliotek
— Offentlig kunnskapsutveksling

På en varm, kanskje til og med usedvanlig varm, septemberdag i Oslo hadde Food Studio, Deichmanske bibliotek og Quo Vadis invitert til Nabolagsbord – en dag fylt med samtaler, omvisning, hønsebesøk fra Tøyentuppene og ansiktsmaling for barn – før det hele kulminerte i en middag laget på lokale råvarer fra hagen på Schous plass og Losæter.


An Introduction to
— Nordic Brewing

Scandinavia used to have a rich tradition of brewing beer stretching back hundreds of years. However, over the last few decades this skill seemed to have fallen out of favour. Recently, however, this forgotten art of craft beer-making has been resurrected by small-scale breweries across Scandinavia to great success. Here, Food Studio takes a look at what makes the Nordic approach to brewing beer so special.


Shetland kale

This Wednesday dinner was a synergy between Food Studio, Losæter and the Norwegian Seed Savers. We brought vegetables from the five historical varieties profiled via From Seed to Serving grown on a farm outside Oslo and half a sheep from another farm. Together we made the following five dishes.


Mutton - Ewe got to try it!

Sheep are all right ("sauer er ĂĄlreite dyr"), our then Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland said some years back. And they are. Sheep have a long tradition in Norway. They supply us with wool for our cold winters. They take care of our landscape. They can give us milk, and every year the adult females, the ewes, provide new lambs that we feast on when autumn arrives.


The final feast
— Green Capital

2019 was the year Oslo was awarded the status of European Green Capital. 675 environment-related events around Oslo's streets, buildings and nature. In December, the stage was set for the final feast, and the Food Studio provided guidance on the menu and décor. A mix of local residents, politicians and organizers poured into the main entrance to City Hall on December 16.


Walk along water
— Allemannsretten

By walking we ask questions By walking we make a path 7-9 of June Flatbread Society with Oslo Apiary invited to a three-day journey from Losæter, Oslo, to the Henie Onstad Art Center, Bærum. This walk connects these two sites via the coastline. At once a commons and a site of rapid enclosure, this coastline will be activated by a group of bodies as a means to keep it free and open and inline with Norway’s, "all mans right to roam": allemannsretten.


Klimafestival pĂĄ biblioteket
— Et overskuddbord!

Snøen hadde ikke ligget lenge på fortauene, og bakken var glatt og minusgradene holdt seg stabilt. Utenfor Schous bibliotek på Grünerløkka knitret det ivrig fra bålet og nysgjerrige forbipasserende satt seg ned på benkene og fikk en varmende kopp med ingefærgløgg som fått nytt liv. Det var tid for det årlige overskuddsbordet, et langbord dekket for alle byens innbyggere med maten man trodde ingen ville ha.


Mussels with Birch Sap Aspic

For the spring season’s event, Food Studio gathered guests on an island in the Oslo Fjord for full day of foraging, fishing and fun. The catch of the day was put together by chef Magnus Morveto, together with Food Studio's own chefs, to create an intriguing menu, full of nature’s own surprises.


Bøgedal Bryghus
— Visit the brewery

This March we paid a visit to Bøgedal Bryghus in Vejle, Denmark to visit the mastermind brewer couple Gitte Holmboe and Casper Vorting. Their use of traditional brewing methods as well as ancient grain types result in some of the most interesting beers around.


Bøgedal Bryghus
— Godtøl & Traditions

Bøgedal Bryghus, a small craft brewery located in Jylland in Denmark, delivers beer for a number of acclaimed restaurants, including Noma and Aamanns in Copenhagen, as well as Maaemo in Oslo. Their beers are especially celebrated for the full-bodied malt flavor, the result of an old traditional brewing method making the so-called “Godtøl”, directly translated good beer. And good beer it certainly is.


A New Food Future
— EAT Forum

We waste food enough to feed one billion people, yet growing your own carrots can get you in jail. The very first EAT Food Forum in Stockholm this spring gave us some spicy mouthfuls.


Sumi and Shu
— By Yuri Shimojo

When I was a child, the act of painting or drawing was always the way of communication. It was also my only weapon which can protect my own realm, and make the realm visible with my own hand. When I work on illustrations, I always keep this in mind. On our latest journey to Japan we were lucky to work with Yuri in Osaka. Inspired by her work we wanted to share her story with you here.


Up Norway
— At Losæter

In October, Up Norway celebrated its 1st anniversary. Food Studio together with baker Emmanuel Rang were invited to host the celebration, and the chosen location was Losæter.


— What's Cooking?

MAD is sharpening the knives, mobilizing chefs from all over the world to use their powers both inside and outside the kitchen. Fighting for social sustainibility, a better distribution of resources and a change in the economical structure. At the 4th MAD symphosium in Copenhagen, the pot was boiling around some very important questions; «What's Cooking? What's Changing? What's Not Working?»


Julemiddag pĂĄ biblioteket
— Et overskuddbord!

Siden julen 2009 har Charity of Food arrangert juleeventet “En jul for alle” i ulike format. Fra oppstarten har fokuset vært på å skape en magisk dag i fellesskapets navn – med korsang, underholdning og samtaler rundt et bord. Et gratis julebord for alle i byen. Initiativet kom fra Charity of Food i Sverige, og desember 2016 ble det første norske arrangementet avholdt på Schous bibliotek på Grunerløkka i Oslo. Fokuset for eventet var denne gangen rettet mot matsvinn.


Kutt Matsvinn
— Festival

Det kastes mat for mange milliarder kroner per år i Norge. Det er ikke bærekraftig, verken for lønnsomhet, miljø eller av etiske årsaker. Norsk serveringsbransje er enig om å redusere matsvinnet med 20 prosent innen 2020.


Farmers of the Future
— Who are you?

“It’s fantastic that you come here, that you’re interested in seeing and learning. But,” Sidsel smiles and exclaims: “someone has to do this work every day. Who are they? And when will they come and do it?” We are gathered around the long wooden table in the wash house. Conversation is flowing, and the heat from the fireplace is melting our backs. Fresh baked bread from the oven, soup with freshly harvested vegetables, wine in our water glasses. It’s the day before the fall Get Away, and we, the Food Studio team, are at Hegli farm in Nannestad, a short hour from the capital city.


Forgotten Traditions
— Of Food

Four years ago, on one dark, melancholic winter’s eve, I found myself lying on the couch watching Netflix. Sounds familiar, right? The problem was, for me at that time, it felt like the only thing I could master.  Yes, I went to work. Yup, I did the dishes and the laundry. I prepared food, showered and walked my dog. But compared to what I used to be able to do and what I longed to do it felt like all I did was lay on the couch, barely processing what I was watching.


The taste of Ă…lesund
— Max Hansen

In late August a food festival was arranged in the coastal city of Ålesund, in the west of Norway. Kristin Hove, the author of “Mellom bakkar og berg”; a book about locally produced food from all over the country, was invited for a pop-up dinner to present the best the region has to offer.


— Invited by Bøgedal

2nd of February we gather a group of collaborators, friends and new acquaintances in Kødbyen, Copenhagen, for a night of exploring, conversation and dining. Gitte Holmboe of Bøgedal Bryghus and chef Thomas Randsøe, along with Anne Lunell and Charles Nystrand from Koppi, made sure we ate and drank well. The guest of honor this night was Stéphane Meyer and Lise Kvan, from the Jura region of France and Paris respectively.


Community Brunch

We want to invite you to a "Community Brunch" on a seasonal basis gathering 4 times a year. Intended as a low-threshold meeting place where you can come alone, with a colleague, customer, or an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. Quote by: Laurie Colwin


Community Brunch

We want to invite you to a "Community Brunch" on a seasonal basis gathering 4 times a year. Intended as a low-threshold meeting place where you can come alone, with a colleague, customer, or an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. Quote by: Laurie Colwin


Community Brunch

We want to invite you to a "Community Brunch" on a seasonal basis gathering 4 times a year. Intended as a low-threshold meeting place where you can come alone, with a colleague, customer, or an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. Quote by: Laurie Colwin


Nordic Satya Retreat
— Voss, Norway

The Norwegian mountains realms painted the backdrop for an exploration into the world’s oldest, unbroken traditions of self-healing and spiritual awakening.


— At Hegli

We are a collective of people who are establishing a CSA (community shared agriculture) at Hegli farm in Nannestad. We are aiming to be as self sustained as possible and to share the knowledge of conserving and culturing from field to table on our way. We invite you to be a part of this by becoming a share holder, by contributing to the work and seminars in the garden, participate at the community dinners or just by sharing the word.


Nordic Ayurveda 
— Our Modern Bio-Rhythm

In the search for solutions that recognize the interconnectedness of root causes, my pilgrimage led me to the Ayurvedic system of healing. Can the legacy of Eastern medicine traditions contribute to our quest towards restoring balance and reviving our connection to nature?


People, Seeds
— Belonging Together

Cock-a-doodle-doo! The rooster Tor-Ild calls early in the morning Saturday, June 13th. During the summer, this usually happens twice: first, around five as the sun starts to warm up the hen house and then around 7:30, when it is time to wake. I peek out the window and see the green leaves on the trees move gently. The weather is nice, a few scattered clouds and some glints of sunlight. The air is clear and filled with the scents of early summer: shots of spruce, lilac, grass, forget-me-not, manure, lily of the valley, birch, roses, pine, lichen, timo- thy, and soil; the sun-heated fur of horses and dogs.


Flatbread Society
— Soil Procession

Why are 50 farmers marching in Oslo on a Saturday afternoon? No, they are not in town to demonstrate. They are giving some of their best soil to the most urban of places, Losæter in Bjørvika, where The Flatbread Society is creating a green space for growing food.


Get Away Summer
— Into the Woods

After a long, hot summer, the woods are changing and preparing for autumn. The change can be felt in the air, which is now filled with the smells of berries, herbs and fungus. It is the time just before harvest, and the time when the cattle come back from summer dairy. It is the warmest month of the year, when the fish seek to the deepest part of the lakes to cool off. The dense forest is moist, hot and mystically dark – intensively yielding its last produce before the inset of autumn.


Get Away Summer
— Lislerud Gård

You know it is the month of August when the days are sunny and warm, but the nights remind us that it won’t be long till the leaves turn yellow and orange. This is the time to harvest the fresh, delicious vegetables the soil has produced over the summer. On our Summer Get Away, we travelled to Lislerud farm to do just that.


Get Away Spring
— By the Shore

Our new series of seasonal getaways all started with a magnificent spring day by the fjords of Oslo. We explored the natural delicacies the sea had to offer - oysters, cockles, mussels and all sorts of wild growths that we could pick in the surrounding hills and forests, turning it into a meal together at the end of the eve.


Get Away
— Edible Paris

This summer, Food Studio crossed the sea to bring a Nordic Get Away experience to the french capital. We spent an evening biking through Paris, visiting Holybelly and Parc de Belleville for a herbology workshop, before sitting down and enjoy a picknick with fresh vegetables from the market.


Blue cheese & mascarpone

In the spring of 2015, Food Studio travelled to Melbourne to explore Merri Creek and its long and compelling food growing history. Have a look at the menu of the evening and to recipes by local food hero Matt Wilkinson!


Wild Plants
— As Food And Medicine

My love for wild plants as food and medicine started when I worked as a budeie, or a milk maid, at a sæter (summer pasture) in Hemsedal in the middle of the mountains. There I stayed in a small cabin without any electricity, water or toilet. I would wake up early in the mornings to milk the cows with the owner. We would make heavy cream and sour cream with a hand-powered milk separator and we would repeat the process after dinner.


Our Fertility
— Being Aware of Our Cycles

Siri Kalla is the first certified Fertility Awareness educator in Norway and founder of Our Fertility, a platform for sharing knowledge about holistic reproductive health and the female body. In this interview she tells us why the method of Fertility Awareness can help you gain profound knowledge about your body and self, and how creating an inner sustainable health directly  relates to sustainability on a macro level. 


Forgotten Skills
— of Carpentry

For us this is a process to both honor the tradition and the wisdom of the old mindset and handcraft, but at the same time find ways that fits the society we live in today, our tools of innovation and our way of living.


An Empathic Witness
— Jannik Abel

"Norway violates the human rights of indigenous people. I feel it deep down in my spine. In November I went to Fosen and photographed and filmed the facts. I stood close and witnessed what the landscape looked like. I was there for two days before I was unable to stay there any longer. It was too painful. The wind turbines on Fosen must be demolished, and the land returned to the Fosen Sami" - Jannik Abel.


The art of
— Gathering

This year has been all about finding new ways to share our knowledge. One of the projects we have been working on is the e-bok Gathering together with Nordic Roots. Nordic Roots is a deeper, slower «time pocket» for the sharing knowledge, wisdom, and creativity from people who easily see the many opportunities to live a life more aligned with themselves and nature, both in their business and in their private life.


The Vidar Clinic
— A Place to Nurture and Heal

Try and ask any child to come along with you to a hospital. You’d probably find that most would dread it – the grey corridors, the sterile environment,  the chemical smells, the absence of life. Hospitals are usually not a place you come to be invigorated, but, rather, a place to be avoided at all costs. So, let's then picture an ideal hospital ... a place dedicated to promoting life, beauty and health on all levels.


— on the Art of Care

Fremja is a new social therapeutic initiative in Norway for youths and grown-ups that for different reasons need adapted work or living situations. Frode Wendelboe is one of the founders and calls himself an artist of care. We had a talk about the need to merge ecological and social work and why the solutions are interdependent.


Nordgard Aukrust
—Autumnal Days

October 2011 we visited Nordgard Aukrust Farm in Lom. The invitation to experience the offerings of autumn, as well as a cooking course with Maaemos’ Esben Holmboe Bang tempted Food Studio to Nordgard Aukrust Farm during the past harvest season.


Favorite stop
— Bakeriet i Lom

Food studio loves road trips. Most of all we love the stops along the way. The bakery “Bakeriet i Lom” is one of those places. It's a real gem. The bakery is located in the small mountain village Lom, a few hours’ drive from Oslo, not far from the national park Jotunheimen. The man behind it, Morten Schakenda, has been a great inspiration for Food Studio.


The Last Supper
— Daisuke Yoshimoto

Food Studio together with chef Magnus Morveto from Food Evolution had the privilege of hosting a dinner and performance with the 76 year old butoh dancer Daisuke Yoshimoto on his last international tour. The location of “ The Last Supper” was in the bakehouse and the beautiful surroundings at Losæter.