
— Jon-Frede Engdahl

"With these kinds of projects one must be surrounded by passionate souls, by people that love what they do and what they stand for." Jon-Frede Engdahl reaches out his hand and offers a good cup of coffee. It’s easy to talk with him about raw materials, market shares, possibilities, ecology and idealism. One story leads to another and, before you know it, it’s lunchtime and the restaurant is suddenly filled with hungry women and young mothers on maternity leave.


The art of
— Gathering

This year has been all about finding new ways to share our knowledge. One of the projects we have been working on is the e-bok Gathering together with Nordic Roots. Nordic Roots is a deeper, slower ÂŤtime pocketÂť for the sharing knowledge, wisdom, and creativity from people who easily see the many opportunities to live a life more aligned with themselves and nature, both in their business and in their private life.


Our Fertility
— Being Aware of Our Cycles

Siri Kalla is the first certified Fertility Awareness educator in Norway and founder of Our Fertility, a platform for sharing knowledge about holistic reproductive health and the female body. In this interview she tells us why the method of Fertility Awareness can help you gain profound knowledge about your body and self, and how creating an inner sustainable health directly  relates to sustainability on a macro level. 


On Silence
— Being Aware

Can silence be a superpower? What is the potential of slowing it all down and diving into the practice of listening? Poet and researcher Olga Lehmann has studied what silence can do to us, our multi-layered health and everyday wellbeing.


January Brunch
— Factory Tøyen

This January brunch is a co-creation between Elizabeth Gundersen, Cecilie Dawes, and Marte Garman. We all work with food, health, education, and storytelling, and coming together in this potent time of year to create together is a beautiful and expanding process for us all. Since the two of us are transitioning back to work after having a child, and Marte had this experience early in her life, we have learned a lot from each other. This balance of being an entrepreneur and a mother is not easy – society is not set up for that – but what we have learned is how we can change the way we work and how to support each other.


Yoga Breakfast
— At the Library

Late June, Food Studio tested a new concept, yoga & breakfast. Due to our love of both we figured there could not be a more perfect combination and a better way to start the day. The location was Schous library, in the centre of the capitol, making a point to create a space to completely relax in the midst of the city.


— An organic week

ØKOSLO week recently took place from 14th to the 20th of October. Food studio participated in this inspiring experience and project that showed that Oslo has a lot more to offer concerning organic food culture.


Get Away Summer
— Sandspollen

This summer, Food Studio has teamed up with two organisations who raise awareness about caring for our environment through outdoor activities and experiences: Passion for Ocean and Incredible Globe. Free-diving was on the menu, as well as a solid session of beach cleaning before sitting around the table for a dinner of fresh fish and local vegetables.


Film Festival
— Oslo Pix

Oslo Pix is an international film festival which was organized for the first time in 2017. The festival showcased features, documentaries and shorts films from North America and Europe, with a special focus on Nordic Cinema. Its main ambition is to create a new Scandinavian hotspot, for emerging directors and well-established masters of cinema. This year they celebrated the World Environment Day with a full day program from early morning with outdoor disco with eco-glitter to workshop activities and evening panel debates.


Mutton - Ewe got to try it!

Sheep are all right ("sauer er ĂĽlreite dyr"), our then Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland said some years back. And they are. Sheep have a long tradition in Norway. They supply us with wool for our cold winters. They take care of our landscape. They can give us milk, and every year the adult females, the ewes, provide new lambs that we feast on when autumn arrives.


Hegli Farm
— Where teens come to grow

If you are a teenager in Nannestad you are actually pretty lucky. For the past seventeen years Sidsel S. Sandberg (73) has invited the pupils of Nannestad Secondary School home to her organic farm. They work, build muscles, get fresh air and connect with animals, plants and the soil. It is a perfect way of learning by doing, and to be honest, it is something that all children should be allowed to experience.


— A village feast

Well-seated in a 120 years old, large, wooden building at Bygdøy - originally a museum for agricultural tools - are over a hundred hungry guests. They are here to experience a dinner prepared by cooks from three of Oslo's best restaurants; Smalhans, Fru K and Kolonihagen.


— Inn i granskauen

For this event Food Studio played host to the remarkable Danish craft brewery Bøgedal, located some 200km to the west of Copenhagen. Gitte Holmboe made the journey over from Denmark to personally present each of the beers she would be serving and she was joined by chef Thomas Randsøe, who had put together a five course seafood menu that would best showcase Bøgedal's beers.


— Invited by Bøgedal

2nd of February we gather a group of collaborators, friends and new acquaintances in Kødbyen, Copenhagen, for a night of exploring, conversation and dining. Gitte Holmboe of Bøgedal Bryghus and chef Thomas Randsøe, along with Anne Lunell and Charles Nystrand from Koppi, made sure we ate and drank well. The guest of honor this night was StÊphane Meyer and Lise Kvan, from the Jura region of France and Paris respectively.


Dining in the dark
— Four photographers

When creative worlds collide, magic happens. Pudder Agency collaborated with Food Studio on the launch of a new branch representing four photographers, creating three different spaces referencing to the world of photography - the Lightroom, Darkroom and Outback.


— A Christmas party

The darkness has dawned upon us, there's frost in the air. In an old brick building, now a studio, a group of people are gathered, young and old, together. When we venture into the night later in the evening, no one is a stranger to each other any more. We've come here to take part in a Christmas table, which is true to the Norwegian tradition.


— At Bygdøy

It all began up at the old cabin SĂŚterhytten on Dronningberget, where everyone met to a introductory speech by Idun Leinaas, followed by a warming, bright orange pumpkin soup heated over a bonfire and served in the chill autumnal air. As people finished their cup of soup, it was time to continue on in one of the four knowledge groups.


Young Farmers
— Grown & Gathered

Summer had dowsed the Grown & Gathered patch with light, delivering lush and abundant life. Plentiful pumpkins and zucchinis cascade sideways, while giant sunflowers and corn stand tall, stretching for the sun. Now into autumn, the garden is still blooming, with late-starters finally deciding to show their true potential, and the summer crops continuing to relish the warm days.


Edible Landscapes
— Food Anthology

Masayo Funakoshi's way of cooking food is one of its kind. As she says, she needs to "inhale" the atmosphere of a place, it's people and it's ingredients, before "exhaling" in the form of a serie of culinary preparations that she arranges on the table as a colourful, textured and delicious landscape. Following her studies at Pratt Institute majoring in Fine Arts, Masayo Funakoshi looked to the culinary arts to express her creativity and soon continued her journey to culinary school in New York.


An Empathic Witness
— Jannik Abel

"Norway violates the human rights of indigenous people. I feel it deep down in my spine. In November I went to Fosen and photographed and filmed the facts. I stood close and witnessed what the landscape looked like. I was there for two days before I was unable to stay there any longer. It was too painful. The wind turbines on Fosen must be demolished, and the land returned to the Fosen Sami" - Jannik Abel.


— Our Headquarters

On October 11th, Food Studio joined forces with Growlab Oslo to host a dinner on behalf of Kinfolk. The theme of the evening was A Messy Meal: Embracing Wabi-sabi in the Everyday. It was not hard to find the right place for the Kinfolk dinner. Food Studio’s recent location is one of the quirkiest places in central Oslo. A derelict factory building where the city’s deranged and destitute used to work. The spacious halls and narrow corridors still tell their tale.


— A dinner in the fields

It was an ordinary Thursday of late September: it had been raining quite heavily, but the weather forecasts were promising. The garden looked fabulous and the greenhouse was in place in the middle of a field, a stone's throw from the king's old residence in Bygdøy.


Living foods
— for a living, healthy body

At Food Studio, we believe that learning goes hand in hand with hands-on experience. That is why we are very happy to be able to facilitate a wonderful series of cooking classes with self taught fermenter and bone broth enthusiast BĂĽrd Watn!


Get Away
— Awaji Island

In early April, I was invited to come to Awaji Island by one of my friends, Masayo Funakoshi, and set off the journey in a spur of the moment. Masayo is a chef, who makes people all over the world happy with her exquisite cuisine. She participated as food director in the Get Away project organized by Food Studio, held on this island. Setting off in a highway bus late at night from Tokyo, I crossed the Seto Inland Sea early the next morning.


Nordic Satya Retreat
— Voss, Norway

The Norwegian mountains realms painted the backdrop for an exploration into the world’s oldest, unbroken traditions of self-healing and spiritual awakening.


— At Hegli

We are a collective of people who are establishing a CSA (community shared agriculture) at Hegli farm in Nannestad. We are aiming to be as self sustained as possible and to share the knowledge of conserving and culturing from field to table on our way. We invite you to be a part of this by becoming a share holder, by contributing to the work and seminars in the garden, participate at the community dinners or just by sharing the word.


Bøgedal Bryghus
— Godtøl & Traditions

Bøgedal Bryghus, a small craft brewery located in Jylland in Denmark, delivers beer for a number of acclaimed restaurants, including Noma and Aamanns in Copenhagen, as well as Maaemo in Oslo. Their beers are especially celebrated for the full-bodied malt flavor, the result of an old traditional brewing method making the so-called “Godtøl”, directly translated good beer. And good beer it certainly is.


Forgotten Skills
— of Carpentry

For us this is a process to both honor the tradition and the wisdom of the old mindset and handcraft, but at the same time find ways that fits the society we live in today, our tools of innovation and our way of living.


An Introduction to
— Nordic Brewing

Scandinavia used to have a rich tradition of brewing beer stretching back hundreds of years. However, over the last few decades this skill seemed to have fallen out of favour. Recently, however, this forgotten art of craft beer-making has been resurrected by small-scale breweries across Scandinavia to great success. Here, Food Studio takes a look at what makes the Nordic approach to brewing beer so special.


Blue cheese & mascarpone

In the spring of 2015, Food Studio travelled to Melbourne to explore Merri Creek and its long and compelling food growing history. Have a look at the menu of the evening and to recipes by local food hero Matt Wilkinson!


Into the Wild
— Edible Plants

The nature and our surroundings are filled with edible and nutritious plants and weeds. Foraging for food ourselves can give a sense of nearness to the nature, and offer surprising gastronomic experiences. Food Studio has been out gathering some of what the nature has to offer right now. This is a guide to some of the plants you can find, and our top tips to what to do with it.


Barleyotto with steamed mangold

As a member of the Koperativet you get a bag of the best seasonal and locally produced vegetables from biodynamic or organic farmers. Food from farmers who run their farms with great dedication, knowledge and love. We have used these bags as the starting point for our courses and when you have the ingredients in your kitchen. Your job is to use, prepare and enjoy this food so that all the love and nourishment contained in the raw materials becomes available to you.


Chickpea and leek soup

For the first part of our series of courses in sustainable cooking, cooking instructor Camilla Wilse teamed up with the fishmongers at Frøya Sjømat to cook up this season's magnificent skrei (cod) and more. After the afternoon preparations the participants and team shared a comforting meal around our community table.


— Sustainable Cooking

As a member of the Koperativet you get a bag of the best seasonal and locally produced vegetables from biodynamic or organic farmers. Food from farmers who run their farms with great dedication, knowledge and love. We have used these bags as the starting point for our courses and when you have the ingredients in your kitchen. Your job is to use, prepare and enjoy this food so that all the love and nourishment contained in the raw materials becomes available to you.


Breakfast, Forsmak
— Vulkan Mathall

Food Studio got up at 5 a.m. to spread and pack 2000 sandwiches, serving up a tasty, organic and free breakfast to Oslos' early birds, together with Trøbbelskyter and Mathallen Vulkan! Food Studios goal was to challenge the government's requirement of 15% of all food turnover in 2020 being organic. Food Studio went for 50%.
Photos: Christoffer Johannesen


What The World Eats
— Multicultural Dining

What happens when Food Studio teams up with the Nobel Peace Centre to create a feast amongst the 25 pictured families in the “What the World Eats” exhibition? We invited our guests to explore an extraordinary space and get to know how food travels across the world, landing on our plate.


Sustainable cooking
— Bergsmyrenegård

Photographer and farmer Finn Dale Iversen and Evelyn Romer Iversen are the two friendly faces behind the entire operation at the biodynamic farm at Bergsmyrene. We brought our guest to their farm along with Elizabeth Brockfield and Growlab for an inspirational evening on sustainable cooking and urban farming.


— Food x Music

The association between music festivals and food is not, typically, a happy one. While the bands may be world-class the food, sadly, is often not. No, festivals are for listening to live music at ear-shredding volumes, and if you want gourmet grub then go to a restaurant. But what if the restaurant, a Michelin-starred one at that, came to the festival?


Spring Get Away
— Drangedal

From 31 May to 2 June, we invited people to be among the first to experience our new camp site in the lake Tokke in Drangedal Telemark.


— Sustainability

At the moment I am sitting overlooking the fjord of and the mountains of Saltdal having a winter break in the north of Norway. There is a peaceful quietness after a storm yesterday. The sun is slowly waking up in the winterlandscape, breaking through in dots on the mountains around. One of the most valuable teachings of last year has the importance of this rest, this silence after a storm. How this is where we regenerate, where we charge, and get ready for the next round.


Get Away
— Springtime Tokyo

It is the first weekend since the official beginning of spring in Japan, and for the local Tokyo habitant it means one thing: the season of the cherry blossom has finally arrived. Gone are the cold winter days and the short afternoons. Everybody is eager to stretch their legs and look for the best spots in town to witness the marvelous sakura trees come to life again. Along the Meguro River, the sakuras cover the river in white and pink, and a multitude of locals and surprised tourists walk through tunnels of sakura flowers.


The Spirit of the Sea
— A Kinfolk Gathering

On Norway’s 200th National Day, May 17th, 2014, we hosted a dinner on behalf of Kinfolk. The theme of the evening was l'ésprit de la mer – the spirit of the sea– so we headed out to an island in the Oslo Fjord, while other sea inspired Kinfolk dinners were going on in many different corners of the world.


— The Secret Gardens

« Where you tend a rose my lad, a thistle cannot grow. » Francis Hodgson Burnett. To awaken your imagination, I’ll begin this piece with a brief recount of the story of ‘Mary Mary Quite Contrary’ in Burnett’s 1911 children’s classic The Secret Garden. The protagonist, Mary Lennox, is a sickly, ill-tempered young orphan who is sent to the Yorkshire countryside to live with her estranged uncle, Master Craven, a reclusive hunchback who is paralyzed by grief after the loss of his wife.


The Social Act No.5
— I'm a Kombo

What happens when two former Michelin-starred chefs create a dining experience that values creativity, playfulness, and interaction just as much as the quality of the food? Food Studio went along to Copenhagen to find out.


—The deer and the kale

The past year Maaemo has been given a lot of attention, also here in Norway, but maybe most of all from abroad. With their non-compromising approach to organic and local ingredients, the art of cooking, design and the whole food experience, they have mesmerized many, driven bloggers bananas and made food critics wish their dice had more than six eyes. But if you ask them, they are just getting started.