Food Studio / Event
The third weekend of March this year, the city invited street food vendors, organizers, chefs and journalists to Streat Helsinki, a two-day street food conference and festival aiming to raise a vibrant and interesting street food culture in Scandinavia. We were there to listen, get inspired and feast on all sorts of street food.
ØKOSLO week recently took place from 14th to the 20th of October. Food studio participated in this inspiring experience and project that showed that Oslo has a lot more to offer concerning organic food culture.
It all began up at the old cabin Sæterhytten on Dronningberget, where everyone met to a introductory speech by Idun Leinaas, followed by a warming, bright orange pumpkin soup heated over a bonfire and served in the chill autumnal air. As people finished their cup of soup, it was time to continue on in one of the four knowledge groups.
This autumn saw the launch of Marimekko's new Weather Diary collection. The Finnish textile and clothing design house has created a new interior decoration collection inspired by seasonal weather patterns, as well as the palate of colours a Nordic autumn brings. Food Studio was tasked with creating a food concept for the collection's Norwegian launch.
The association between music festivals and food is not, typically, a happy one. While the bands may be world-class the food, sadly, is often not. No, festivals are for listening to live music at ear-shredding volumes, and if you want gourmet grub then go to a restaurant. But what if the restaurant, a Michelin-starred one at that, came to the festival?
Just do it, encourages Kriszti Tóth, organiser of Restaurant Day in Oslo. She hopes as many as possible pop up their own restaurant on 18th August.
Picture the scene: you lift your spoon ready to dive into the soft folds of an exquisitely light soufflé. A song comes on over the radio, but which one? What combination of frequencies, rhythms and musical intervals could best enhance, or even transform, the experience of eating this airy treat? Perhaps a thundering baritone bass line would be too cumbersome, but what of a delicate and dreamy aria? Does sound in fact have a taste?
At this year's two-day Visuelt conference, the largest gathering of participants in the creative industry, the Food Studio team was challenged to come up with the food concept for over 400 delegates.