Column / November 2013
When creative worlds collide, magic happens. Pudder Agency collaborated with Food Studio on the launch of a new branch representing four photographers, creating three different spaces referencing to the world of photography - the Lightroom, Darkroom and Outback.
Academic conferences and seminars might be associated with uninspiring talks, bad food and poor logistics, so when The National Academy of the Arts (Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo - KHiO) wanted to make a proper event for design dialogue they knew they needed to change the format completely.
Well-seated in a 120 years old, large, wooden building at Bygdøy - originally a museum for agricultural tools - are over a hundred hungry guests. They are here to experience a dinner prepared by cooks from three of Oslo's best restaurants; Smalhans, Fru K and Kolonihagen.
ØKOSLO week recently took place from 14th to the 20th of October. Food studio participated in this inspiring experience and project that showed that Oslo has a lot more to offer concerning organic food culture.
It all began up at the old cabin Sæterhytten on Dronningberget, where everyone met to a introductory speech by Idun Leinaas, followed by a warming, bright orange pumpkin soup heated over a bonfire and served in the chill autumnal air. As people finished their cup of soup, it was time to continue on in one of the four knowledge groups.