Column / August 2017
Late June, Food Studio tested a new concept, yoga & breakfast. Due to our love of both we figured there could not be a more perfect combination and a better way to start the day. The location was Schous library, in the centre of the capitol, making a point to create a space to completely relax in the midst of the city.
Plantekasser, et overdimensjonert sjakkbrett og lukten av sveler fanger oppmerksomheten. Ikke èn gang har jeg lekt med ideen om å sette meg ned i Vaterlandsparken - ikke før nå. Parken ligger langs akerselva, midt på Grønland. Det som kunne vært et grønt pusterom for bydelen, har i stedet blitt merket som et belastet område med stadig uro og hyppige politibesøk. I løpet av sommeren har i overkant av tretti ungdommer jobbet for å ta tilbake parken.
In 1971, a group of young activists occupied a vacant barracks area in Copenhagen. Their vision was to build an alternative society based on sustainability, community and consensus democracy. After forty years of tumult with the police and the government, Christiania has been working towards seceding from the Kingdom of Denmark since 2011. But what has happened to make them come so close to becoming a legal state? And can the community of Christiania cooperate with the government on sustainability work? I spoke to State Archivist Ole Lykke, hoping to understand the connection between community, sustainability, drugs and democracy in Christiania, Copenhagen.