Food Studio / sustainability

This is the story of a group of students from ESCP Business School in Berlin studying sustainability entrepreneurship and their one-week trip to the Norwegian countryside. After spending one year learning about the existing systems and the way industries are set up to provide us with everything we need to live more than comfortably, it was time for us to zoom out, (re)connect with nature and understand how nature works to understand what sustainability truly means and how we can create solutions to combat the climate crisis, ensure food security, clean drinking water and a liveable world for all––the basic human rights, right? 

At the moment I am sitting overlooking the fjord of and the mountains of Saltdal having a winter break in the north of Norway. There is a peaceful quietness after a storm yesterday. The sun is slowly waking up in the winterlandscape, breaking through in dots on the mountains around. One of the most valuable teachings of last year has the importance of this rest, this silence after a storm. How this is where we regenerate, where we charge, and get ready for the next round.