Food Studio / kinfolk
On October 11th, Food Studio joined forces with Growlab Oslo to host a dinner on behalf of Kinfolk. The theme of the evening was A Messy Meal: Embracing Wabi-sabi in the Everyday. It was not hard to find the right place for the Kinfolk dinner. Food Studio’s recent location is one of the quirkiest places in central Oslo. A derelict factory building where the city’s deranged and destitute used to work. The spacious halls and narrow corridors still tell their tale.
On Norway’s 200th National Day, May 17th, 2014, we hosted a dinner on behalf of Kinfolk. The theme of the evening was l'ésprit de la mer – the spirit of the sea– so we headed out to an island in the Oslo Fjord, while other sea inspired Kinfolk dinners were going on in many different corners of the world.