«Hauste» in Norwegian dialect means «to harvest». The magazine was born out of Food Studios growing forests of changemakers – with the aim of harvesting authentic, deep-rooted stories, while nourishing people with knowledge and inspiration about green choices and a sustainable lifestyle. By weaving together experiences of sustainability from all levels of society, we also encourage and invigorate the public debate about the green transition. In multiple formats of text and image we explore the question of what a life in accordance with nature entails in practice. Through interviews, innovative research, columns, DIY/practical does and& dont´s, literary extracts, recipes, pieces of art and longer feature articles, Hauste offers a playful, attractive and thought-provoking magazine, which can be enjoyed in both urban boardrooms and rural backyards!
The fourth issue of Hauste, ‘Health’ is now available. You can buy the magazine online at Fatogfe and Growlab Oslo.
The printed edition is also available at selected vendors:
Tronsmo bookshop
Røtter St. Hanshaugen and Nesodden
Fat og Fe
Bygdø Gartneri
Some articles are posted on our website. Discover the last ones:
Maja Thune – Love is Medicine
Wild Plants – as Food and Medicine
Sharing – The Secret Gardens
Forgotten Traditions – of Food
On Silence – Being Aware of the Phenomena