Food Studio
— x Food Mrkt x Food Evolution
Foodmrkt, Emergence Projects, Food Studio and Food Evolution joined forces with Oslo Business Region to put scalable business models, sustainability and digital technology on the agenda. We asked Nordic front runners to share best practice and invited thinkers, doers and makers with an interest in being a part of the change to join us for a day of talks, discussions and actions.
The event was quickly sold out, so it seems like the people of Oslo agree on the urgency of putting innovation of the food system on the agenda. The goal of the event was to inspire new collaborations and understand challenges and opportunities in being able to innovate in the intersection of scalable business models, sustainability and technology.
The event was kicked off with 31T (BIT) – Cracking gastronomy by Another New Design Studio from Stockholm, Food Studio and Food Evolution, followed by Elisabet Skylare from the Nordic Council of Ministers that made the first official presentation of the council’s new program “Sustainability – The Nordic Way”. Thomas Bøhn from GenØk – Centre for Biosafety provided a view on how agriculture and food production is developing globally and why we need to embrace and enhance the diversity / complexity of natural systems and work more with local solutions. Jacob Hasseriis Dietz from Aarstiderne in Denmark took us through the journey of having delivering season based organic food since 1999 and explained what it means to scale a digital business based on ecology. Hafdís Sunna Hermannsdóttir from Foodmrkt discussed what it is means to build a company with scalable digital platform and sustainable food as part of the core business model.
12 companies joined for a pitching session, followed by discussion on how they contribute to making Oslo a leading food city and how sustainability and digital transformation drive the future business models within food. Katapult Future Fest, Growlab Oslo, Lion Health Care, Leva Urban Design, Epleslang,, Food Studio, UrbanFeed, Open Food Network, Byspire, Another Design Studio and Food Evolution.
Thanks to everyone who came to join us for Monday’s event! A special thanks to those of you who shared your thoughts on how food, digital transformation and scalable business models can create new food systems, and how your companies and organisations are part of making Oslo a leading food city.
Photographs by Hilde Kvivik Kavli, Kribba Andersson & Svein Gunnar Kjøde.